THE SORCERER’S APPRENTICE by Richard Hough, Music by Ben Morales Frost
Set and Costume Designer
Seabright Productions - Southwark Playhouse 2021
'Anna Kelsey’s set and costume design are bang on the money, and though it, we get a real sense of the lives the characters are living.’
Greg Stewart - Theatre Weekly *****
‘There are some beautiful elements of physical production, notably Anna Kelsey’s well-crafted costume design.’
Ray Rackham - ***
Director: Charlotte Westenra
Puppetry Director: Scarlet Wilderink
Choreographer: Stephen Harris
Musical Director: Alan Williams
Lighting Designer: Clancy Flynn
Puppet Designer: Maia Kirkman-Richards
Sound Designer: Ella Wahlström
Magic Consultant: Scott Penrose
Photography: Geraint Lewis